Welcome to Straight Eight. Vintage and Sports Cars, everything that is beautiful.
We repair, restore and maintain your automotive treasures.
We are looking forward to you visition our showroom. Feel free to contact us via phone, tax or mail at any time.
- Straight Eight Helmut Stipsits e.U.
- FB-Nr: 396228p
- UID-Nr: ATU65661535
- Hennersdorferstraße 16
- 2333 Leopoldsdorf
- Austria
- T: +43 223544499 | F: -11 | office@straighteight.at
- Gewerbeordnung: www.ris.bka.gv.at
- Aufsichtsbehörde: Bruck a.d. Leitha
- Berufsbezeichnung: Meisterbetrieb